Childhood Asthma: Signs, Management, and Prevention

Childhood Asthma: Signs, Management, and Prevention

Conquering Asthma in Children in California

Dr. Komal Afzal, Dr. Iris Li, and Dr. Joseph Gali direct LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA. Our doctors are devoted to managing childhood asthma. They are experienced, skilled, board-certified pediatric doctors.

They provide many services to children and parents throughout our community. One service is the management of asthma in children. Our doctors want to talk about asthma, the symptoms of this condition, its management, and the prevention techniques you can use to help decrease your child's asthma symptoms.

All About Asthma

LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA, explains that childhood asthma develops when airways temporarily narrow. These airways or tubes carry air into the lungs. When these tubes become inflamed, they constrict. Thus, this causes shortness of breath. You may hear audible wheezing, and your child may start coughing.

We diagnose asthma by reviewing your child's medical history and symptoms. We can do a chest X-ray and a breathing test called spirometry that measures the amount of air your child has in their lungs and how fast they can expel the air. 

Once your child develops asthma, it is a lifelong condition. We can bring it under control so that as they grow into teenagers and adults, they may rarely experience symptoms. They should always carry a rescue inhaler, no matter what age.

What are the Signs of Asthma?

  • A pronounced sucking in of the chest when attempting to get air into the lungs
  • Audible wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Restlessness/Panicking
  • Fingernails and lips may have a blueish tint

Management of Asthma

We need to treat your child's asthma and get it under control before we can manage it. We need to identify the triggers that cause symptoms and avoid these triggers as much as possible to help decrease symptoms. 

Your child can take oral and inhaled medications to control symptoms. Management involves the efforts of parents, family, friends, school teachers, school nurses, and anyone frequently around your child to be alert to increased symptoms, ensuring your child, 

  • Remains active
  • Misses fewer school days
  • Sleeps well at night
  • Has control of symptoms
  • Has medication dose changes due to seasonal changes
  • Participates in sports without symptoms

Call Us Immediately for Asthma Symptoms

Call Dr. Afzal, Dr. Li, and Dr. Gali at (408) 358-2624 at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA; they want to help you control childhood asthma so your child can have an active and uninterrupted life free from symptoms.

Call us today for an asthma consultation so we can diagnose their condition correctly. We can get baseline tests and lab results to order the appropriate medication. If your child has never taken asthma medication, we need to monitor them closely to make medication adjustments immediately.

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