Teaching Kids About Nutrition: Making Healthy Food Choices Fun

Teaching Kids About Nutrition: Making Healthy Food Choices Fun

Teaching Kids About Nutrition: Making Healthy Food Choices Fun

Good nutrition is what fuels your child’s body. What your child eats can aid in growth and development, provide energy, and boost your child’s immune system to prevent illness. Your pediatrician can help you teach your child about good nutrition. Drs. Komal Afzal, Iris Li, and Joseph Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA, provide a wide range of medical services for children, including nutritional counseling.

Tips for Making Healthy Food Choices Fun

Fast food and unhealthy snacks can make it difficult to keep your child on a healthy diet. Large portion sizes, high-fat content, and greasy foods can all lead to childhood obesity, which is an epidemic in the United States.

So, what can you do? There are a few tips to help teach your child about healthy eating and how to make healthy eating fun. You should always:

  • Eat a healthy diet yourself because your children will want to eat what you eat
  • Schedule regular meals with the entire family and serve healthy meals
  • Provide a full range of food choices to promote trying out new, healthy foods
  • Keep healthy snacks available, including fruit, cheese, and nuts

It’s also helpful to let your child invite a friend over for dinner. You can also get your child involved in meal planning and grocery shopping. Involvement in these steps helps your child understand what is involved in food preparation, so your child is invested in the process. Your child can also help with preparing and cooking the meals.

These are a few of the most important foods to include in a healthy diet:

  • Lean proteins, including fish, chicken and turkey
  • Fruits, including whole fruits and not fruit juices
  • Vegetables, including plenty of green leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains, including rice, quinoa, and whole wheat
  • Dairy products including milk, yogurt, and cheese

Want To Know More

To find out more about teaching healthy eating habits to your children, and how you can make healthy eating fun, talk with the experts. Call Drs. Komal Afzal, Iris Li, and Joseph Gali at LG Pediatrics in Los Gatos, CA. You can reach them in the office by calling (408) 358-2624, so call today.

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